Is Sky down?
There could be a number of reasons why you’re experiencing problems with your Sky service such as Sky Q. If it’s the broadband that’s the problem then it might be worth checking your router to see if there are indications of a problem. Try turning it off for about 30 seconds to a minute then back on again. Sometimes this simple act can clear up issues without the need for more technical methods. If you can access the internet through another route, either the mobile data connection on your phone or a public WiFi hotspot, then you should head to the Sky Service Status checker page as it will tell you of any known problems across all of its products – Sky TV, Sky Broadband, Sky Talk, Sky Mobile and Sky TV apps.
You can also log into your Sky account here to see if there are any difficulties pertaining to your personal service. Sky says this is the best way to check your products and services. Should this not be working at all, then there are several reliable third-party websites that check the status of company servers. We recommend Down Detector, Is It Down or Just Me, and Is It Down Right Now.
How do I contact Sky?
If the above methods don’t prove successful, then it’s a good idea to visit the Sky Help page. Here you can enter the specific services and products that are causing you grief, with Sky then hopefully able to advise you on how to proceed. Those who prefer to deal directly with a person rather than a website can contact Sky’s customer helpline on 0333 7591 018. If the problems have been going on for a while or you just think it’s time to switch providers, be sure to also read our how to cancel Sky guide and best broadband deals round-up to see what’s currently on offer. We’ve also compared Sky vs Virgin. Martyn has been involved with tech ever since the arrival of his ZX Spectrum back in the early 80s. He covers iOS, Android, Windows and macOS, writing tutorials, buying guides and reviews for Macworld and its sister site Tech Advisor.